Aidez moi!
- 1 Que signifient ces lettres dans les nombres?
- 2 Why are the buildings so random cost efficient? My Oil Sands costs more than 50x Saudi Field :(
- 3 Est-ce qu'une option d'achat 100x verra le jour? Embêtant à chaque retraite de cliquer 800 fois avec l'option d'achat 10x sur chaque exploitations.
- 4 I think formula for calculation multiplier from experience is wrong because if i have 10 experience i still end with mltiplier 127,089412... So how to calculate multiplier?
- 5 Investment Advisor: are purchasing times static so for example lvl 2: 12 hours lvl 3: 12 hours lvl 4: 6 hours. Or does it work more like lvl 2: 12 hours lvl 3: 8 hours lvl 4: 6 hours? Also is 10 max?
- 6 I have two devices I play on, how does the Garbage Man work?
Que signifient ces lettres dans les nombres?
Le jeu utilise la notation du système international d'unités: Suffixes des nombres
Why are the buildings so random cost efficient? My Oil Sands costs more than 50x Saudi Field :(
The rate of increase is variable because different investments have different economies of scale. For the early part of the game, the initial cost of a property is the most important, but later the multiplier becomes most important. The multipliers are listed here: Level Cost Increases
Est-ce qu'une option d'achat 100x verra le jour? Embêtant à chaque retraite de cliquer 800 fois avec l'option d'achat 10x sur chaque exploitations.
Aucune mise à jour n'est prévue pour cela, bien que cela est été déjà demandé à de nombreuses reprises . Cela sera peut être ajouté dans une future mise à jour.
En revanche si vous faites un clic long sur:
- Un bouton de niveau d'exploitation
- Un bouton de niveau de dirigeant d'exploitation
- Un bouton de niveau de spécialiste
Cela aura pour effet d'acheter autant de niveau que votre capital le permettra.
I think formula for calculation multiplier from experience is wrong because if i have 10 experience i still end with mltiplier 127,089412... So how to calculate multiplier?
The experience formula is correct, and I've edited it slightly for clarity. You probably don't have a log5 option on your calculator. 2^((ln experience)/(ln 5)) is an equivalent formula.
Investment Advisor: are purchasing times static so for example lvl 2: 12 hours lvl 3: 12 hours lvl 4: 6 hours. Or does it work more like lvl 2: 12 hours lvl 3: 8 hours lvl 4: 6 hours? Also is 10 max?
The times are decreasing as you suspected, 12, 8, 6 etc. There is no maximum level, but each new level speeds up the Advisor less.
I have two devices I play on, how does the Garbage Man work?
The Garbage Man will apply to all devices using the same Google login that you use for the purchase. Please note, the Google API we are using to check this seems to take a very long time to update. On any additional devices it may take many hours to begin working (our experience has been about 6 hours).