From Oil Tycoon Wiki
The Negotiator is one of several Specialists available in game, but the Negotiator is not available until very late. When the Negotiators' bar fills up, the price for the selected property will decrease dramatically. Like all specialists, increasing the Negotiator's level costs 1000 times more than the cost of the existing level.
Level |
Price Reduction
Frequency |
1 | 24 hours |
2 | 12 hours |
4 | 6 hours |
8 | 3 hours |
10 | ~2.5 hours |
16 | 1.5 hours |
32 | 45 minutes |
64 | 22.5 minutes |
Times Run
(Per Property) |
Price Reduction |
1 | 99% |
50 | 15% |
100 | 10% |
The benefits of the Negotiator do not return to 99% unless you retire.